Enrite supports Ronald McDonald House Charities in improving donation experience

“Fundraising plays an important role in supporting our work,” says Richard Hanson, IT Project Manager at Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Australia.  “Once you create a great relationship with a donor, you can really count on their support.”

RMHC Chapters in Australia provide essential services and programs to support families with seriously ill children across the county. Their cornerstone program, Ronald McDonald House, supports families to stay together and close to the hospital where their child is receiving medical care. RMHC also runs Family Rooms, Family Retreats, and a national Learning Program to help ensure children continue their education despite missing school due to their illness.

“Recurring donations help fund and sustain the support we provide families when they need it most,” says Hanson. “These donations run on a schedule, and with each of our 11 RMHC Chapters operating independently, we were generating a lot of siloed data.” 

Richard, who oversees the implementation of Salesforce solutions at RMHC, felt the need for a solution to better manage donations across their Chapters.

“We were using a system which worked like a piecemeal solution. It was a very manual process where we had to import data on recurring gifts from multiple payment channels. We needed better visibility and reporting of donor payments.”

One platform across chapters

Being an existing Salesforce customer, RMHC had access to a community of Salesforce partners with demonstrated experience in delivering solutions tailored to not-for-profit organisations. 

“We got in touch with Enrite Solutions. They implemented Payments2Us to manage our donations across all RMHC Chapters,” says Hanson.

Dwayne Hill, Project Manager at Enrite Solutions, and his team worked with RMHC to implement Payments2Us within their Salesforce environment. The solution addressed RMHC’s need of storing and managing all their online payments on a single platform. By integrating payments from both Stripe and EziDebit payment platforms, the solution provided flexibility to donors and streamlined payment processing with enterprise-grade security. 

“RMHC is now able to process both one-off and recurring donations more easily,” says Hill. “They can now centrally manage and report on all donations across different Chapters, while keeping data isolated for each. Donor receipts go out consistently and can be customised. Donors are also sent their end-of-financial-year tax receipts.”

“Before Payments2us, we had to manage payments to the different Chapters based on what each of them claimed,” says Hanson. “But now it’s all linked in the one system, and it matches donations to the correct chapter and automatically pays into their bank account. It will save us a lot of time and effort. We don’t need to have as many meetings, or manual allocation of where donations get allocated; it happens automatically.”

A partnership of values

RMHC also received a grant from Enrite Solutions that supported them in implementing Payments2Us. 

“Being a not-for-profit, receiving that support was very useful, and it probably helped get this project over the line,” says Hanson.


Is your not-for-profit looking to apply for a grant? Contact Enrite Solutions.


“And working with Enrite has been a great experience right from the start. They were very solutions-focused and always ready to work together on an outcome tailored to our program. Their team really made us feel at ease right through the four months of the project till the solution went live in February ‘22.” 

This deep understanding of the needs of not-for-profit organisations, and their ability to deliver bespoke solutions, have led to Enrite Solutions being recognised as one of Salesforce.org’s three top NFP partners for 2022. Earlier this year, Enrite was also named ‘Salesforce.org Impact Partner’. 

According to Patrick DeRuvo, Director, Enrite Solutions, one of the core values driving their work is to ‘leave a positive impact.’

“We are always looking at how we can help not-for-profit organisations,” says DeRuvo. “They do all this wonderful work. What we try to help them with is eliminating waste and helping organisations like RMHC free up their time from managing payments to focus on their actual work – so they can have sustainable growth.”

According to Hanson, Payments2Us has already helped RMHC’s Chapters by significantly reducing the number of hours spent on donation management and reporting. 

“Our fundraisers are now able to utilise more of their time on their core mission – inviting support from donors, and ensuring the funds raised are put to good use,” says Hanson.

“A big focus for us now is growing regular giving across the whole organisation. We are utilising best practices across our Chapters to help increase their regular giving. And Payments2Us is our great new tool that will help us build better relationships with our donors.”

Learn more about how Enrite Solutions can help your organisation.